ParentTip: Mindfulness in Parenting
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
"Mindfulness isn't about having perfect attention, it's about noticing when your mind has wandered and bringing it back to whatever you're doing...Any activity you do with your kid can be a mindfulness practice if you choose to make it so." -Carla Naumburg, clinical social worker
This short video explains some of the science behind mindfulness and how daily practice has been shown to lower anxiety, improve quality of sleep, and increase one’s ability to concentrate and be present. Mindfulness is also very beneficial for kids! And you don’t have to be a guru to incorporate it into your parenting style either.
Simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine with your children are centered around the idea of slowing down and inviting a sense of calm into your home. This can be as simple as taking deep breaths together, having a mindful afternoon snack where you and your child focus your senses to really experience what you’re eating, or even taking a leisurely walk around the neighborhood to be curious together about the sights and sounds.
Source: Mindful Parenting